Important Sales and Marketing tips to make money during the COVID-19 Crisis
March 19th, 2020
Actions you can take now to drive immediate revenue during the COVID crisis
We speak with hundreds of photographers every day, and we hear the very real anxiety and uncertainty. We feel it too. As much as I’d like for Zenfolio to be able to keep you and your families well, or research a treatment or develop a vaccine, we can’t. What we can do is help you keep your business afloat, and assist you in strengthening your business now in anticipation of the day we return to “normal”.
Here are 3 steps to help you immediately drive new revenue and strengthen your business for the recovery.
1. Put your archived images to work:
Gail Roser from Grand Photography LLC posted a great idea on our Facebook page “We’ve uploaded the past…7 years (of images) and ran a sale. (We) made incredible money off old archived images that normally we never would have.”
Use your Zenfolio marketing tools to send email reminders to your clients about their archive images today and try this idea for yourself!
Marissa Balletti-Lavoie from Sassy Mouth created a 20% off coupon for prints and let everyone know their images are available. Be sure to share it via email and social so your clients know! In addition, our sitewide offer of free shipping on orders over $35 is available all year long as well.
If you have ideas, please share them on our Facebook page or tag us. We’ll pass them along!
2. Set up store for prints and digital downloads today
Our support and success team is here to help you learn about new revenue opportunities including how to use marketing tools for your clients, setting up ecommerce, pre-order options on your site and more. Here’s a step-by-step video on how to set up selling on Zenfolio.

Here are some of the topics you are asking about this week in our customer success center!
Our support and success team is here to help you learn about new revenue opportunities including how to use marketing tools for your clients, setting up e-commerce, pre-order options on your site and more.
Grab your spot in one of our popular e-commerce group training sessions here.
Join our weekly Zenfolio Live series with Robert. It’s a great way to connect with a friendly face and take advantage of this time to better your business. He’ll be focusing on your top interests. If our training calendar is full, be sure to tune in and ask Robert questions.
3. Small Business Resources and Information
We don’t have all the answers. We will be sharing information from other sources we hope will be helpful, too.
For our US customers, there are several resources at the US Small Business Administration
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
- Guidance for Businesses and Employers
- Local Assistance
Contract Tips:
The ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) recently hosted a webinar on “possible business and legal ramifications such as force majeure, cancellation clauses, insurance coverage, and best practices in this and other scenarios.” Watch the webinar here.
For our global community of photographers including the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, and Spain, please visit the World Health Organization for updates and recommendations for yourself, your family and clients.
As a reminder, you can always reach a member of our Customer Support team at [email protected].
Thank you for choosing Zenfolio. We are grateful for your time and support. We look forward to supporting you through this crisis.
Additional Photographer Resources – Updated 4/6/2020:
PPA resources –
Digital Photography Review article on PPA FREE CLASSES –
Gig Workers Collective Resources by State:
Creative Capital artist resources:
Intuit Resources:
GoFundMe Small Business Relief:
GoFundMe Karen Salinas Photographer Example: – Karen Salinas